서강대 사학과 졸업
Bachelor of Fine Art (Drawing), RMIT University, Melbourne Australia
2015 'Dead Guerrillas’ (Rubicon ARI, Melbourne)
2014 ‘Dining’ (Red Star Window Gallery, Hepburn Springs, Australia) 2014 Kim Jong Hs Funeral' (Gallery Yeh-ln, Melbourne)
2015 'The 10th International Art Festival and Art Workshop in Thailand’, Poh-Chang Academy of Arts, Bangkok, Thailand
2014 'Life as A Leisurely Beauty' (Haengchon Art Museum, Haenam, Korea)
2014 'GyeomJae JeongSeon and beautiful Beehaedang Garden’ (GyeomJae JeongSeon Museum of Art, Seoul)
2014 ‘ARS ACTIVA 2014_Arts 公 Their Communities' (Gangneung Museum of Art. Korea)
2013-2014 (KAAF (Korea^Australia Arts Foundation) Inaugural & 2nd Art Prize Finalists,(KoreanCulturalCentre,Sydney)